
There is a lot to look at, and some of it requires a little more work to try and make an analysis. But for the 1936 S/244 �Stern�, �Asterisk� or �Flower� (or however you want to describe it) with the late grips, I think I mentioned a non-milspec manufactured bayonet that was still usable. And here we have a bayonet with a very small ricasso that can still function as a weapon. But most likely failed whatever gauging process they used to accept items for the Army. That said, I think that I have at least one early bayonet with a shorter than average ricasso, and I will have to look at it to see how (or if) it affected the marking process.

And with the disclaimer that I�m not a �paper/document� guy. There is the Waffen-SS Soldbuch. With some of the ones that I�ve seen it might show an �S� coded, serial numbered bayonet. Maybe a maker marked one without any number. Or maybe just a serial number that had to be from an Army/Wehrmacht contract. And in the firearm portion, a 98K, or possibly a G33/40, or maybe a pistol with serial numbers. With possibly some weapons being lined out, and new ones added. But like I said I�m not a specialist in that area, and more work is needed, but that is some of what I have seen.

Regards, FP