Back in the late 1970s, I got a call from a local pawn shop that they had bought an unusual dagger. I went to see it: a long shooting association blade and scabbard on which someone had put a mix of parts. I think there was a LW cross guard and some other handle. But surmounting the mix was a SA Feldherrnhalle hilt cap. Damn. It was real as rain and numbered. I bought the mix for $100 and called Joey P. I ended up with a beautiful Schupo shako with black plume. And Joe's brother had the top for his FH dagger.

Trying to think how the parts would be mixed like that, the only logical explanation was that a group of guys were together relaxing over there and decided to clean their souvenirs? Or perhaps the vet got into a factory and assembled his own dagger from odds 'n ends.

"This hobby is a continuing education"
Looking for Walther Model 8 #727649
and Walther PP #975557