ADJV - Allgemeine Deutsche Jagdschutz Verein - Society for Protection of German Game Animals (legal national authority)

Founded by Dresden hunters in March 1875, its mission was chiefly to enforce state and city laws through close cooperation with registered, qualified hunters, especially against poaching and theft of wild animals. After the First World War the ADJV was an adamant proponent against turning over German hunting animals as war reparations specified in the Versailles Treaty. The fine included turning over 120 red deer, 63,000 roe-deer, 66,000 rabbits, 195,000 pheasants, six million partridges as well as 75,000 pheasant eggs.

During the National Socialist regime the organization was disbanded in 1934, and restructured into the Deutsche J�gerschaft under authority of Hermann G�ring, Reichsj�germeister.

Pictured are a pair of member's pins from the city of Hannover and the state of Th�ringen. Most of the ADJV-marked insignia are found in the form of those material/metal "green-hat-fuzzies" we all know and love.

Pins courtesy of Gary Southgate, photo and explanation, moi.

Great thread people, lovely rare stuff ...



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