Yes, my post to Jim may have sounded condescending, but the fact is that I simply have more experience dealing with these artifacts than he does. In my opinion, Jim said enough when he spoke of how scarily-convincing these SS Honor Dagger fakes were to him. I don't blame Jim for being impressed by these fakes he saw, nor should he be embarrassed by his lack of experience, and nor do I harbor any ill-feelings toward Jim; very few people have experience with them because they are so rare. And that's OKAY. Jim has more experience than I do with guns, and I'm not ashamed of that. And by the way, the only time there were multiple SS Honor Daggers on display at the MAX was in 2004, when there were 4 on my table, one on Johnson's and 1 on Brian Maederer's. I've owned 6, Jim has owned none, and so, when I say that there are no convincing reproductions out there of this dagger type, you ought to pay attention. Would I trust Jim's opinion about a reblue on a Luger, over my opinion? Sure I would. And if I made some silly statement about how "scary" reblues were in the gun field, I'd expect Jim to take me to school on that comment! His reaction wouldn't be condescending at all - it'd be appropriate.

Last edited by Craig Gottlieb; 09/27/2010 05:41 AM.

Craig Gottlieb
Founder, German Daggers Dot Com