Originally Posted By: *Adam*
I think the birdies are awesome and that colorful DdF pin seems good to me. I like it as well. Also as a note, yes Snyder has a lot of fakes but there is legit stuff in the mix as well though.

Hi Adam,

Thanks, for that comment on the birdies. they surely DONT come better than THAT 1! It truly is a joy to, well, ENjoy It also get me all fylosophical, like, how that pin contrasts against (cant find better words at the moment but Im sure you get it) the whole swastika concept as it is explained in books. And also, KdF was more complicated then just a holiday-organization or freetime-guide. Theres a whole indoctrination-thing going on. Meanwhile, ordinary everyday people, were involved, in actually making things fun, and awesome, 'cause, thats what they do! This little pin, is part of that. Someone MUST had SUCH fun making it! And, it survived! Not the most heavy robust pin out there? So, it was cared for all this time, probably 'cause it is SUCH a fun thing!

Anyway, Im babbling... Snyder, yeeeeesss, you're right, Adam, you're very right I dont know Snyder or his treasures? So, in fact, I shouldnt talk about it/him then. In fact, I even LIKE the site! I come there often? Its always fun (ill just quote my eternal example, but what better way to explain, eh) to see Eva Brauns negligee or lingery or undies for sale, or those "just discovered" youth paintings of Alois Hitler, or whatever *LOL* Maybe, Snyder even has more fun putting all of that together then all of us have here, making sour faces, if someone thinks something smells like fake or doubt, or if anyone enjoys all this history stuff a bit different from the rest. So, who am I to shout at Snyder? I was just being echo for everyone that speaks of Snyder over at Wehrmacht-Awards or other forums. And I shoudnt do that. Like I shouldnt do a lot of things. So, mister Snyder, if youre listening, I apologize for shouting stuff without actually having cause for that.

So, Adam, thanx, for the thumb up to the pin! Its very nice indeed! Nice of you to stop by


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