Hi Paul,

This is very very interesting, thanx for bringing this up! Every now + then something similar pops up. Not just during WWI this sorta thing happened. And lotsa times, girls, women, got forced into this role.

Peddling along a bit, There's a book on warcrimes of Russian troops agains German population after WWII. German women were on the worst end of that. Its trully horrific + gruesome to dive into this. Also, this reminds me, the dutch population was not very friendly towards women that kept friendships to Germans.

Sometime ago, I collected some links on such things. For reference, here they come;

Troostmeisjes / comfort women:
comfort women survivors

Moffenmeiden / kraut-girls
browse to chapter "t...n"
see a photo on this page, and comments on that photo
more photos here
and here is an abstract of paper in english by a dutch student. The dutch and full version is here. This topic is WAY too heavy to take in all at once!! To me anyway ...

More on Russian warcrimes
Ravishing the Women of Conquered Europe
Soviet war crimes
Masculinities And Rape In Berlin, 1945
Red Army troops raped even Russian women as they freed them from camps
They raped every German female from eight to 80
Two million German women speak out
German Woman Writes Ground-Breaking Account of WW2 Rape


Nichts ist Ende, nichts ist Anfang.