Seems as though this Rodenberg chain fell into the right hands (Tom Wittmann) anywhere else it would of ended up on a junk heap/srcapmetal/ or as costume jewelry for a theatre cast and being tossed about. I myself would never of given it a thought if I saw it.
Tom Wittmann restored Honor to a small community, that took pride in their Germanic Heritage. Any other assumption would be baseless rhetoric!! The Nazis were notorious art thieves and had no intentions of returning what did not belong to them. Most of the art was returned after the war by the occupying forces,, but not all.
War trophys and historical art forms are at opposite ends of the spectrum,, some stuff can not be kept. War trophys IMO are up to the current owners discretion,, and art can not be deemed as such!
If it happened to me,, I would want it returned also. Must have been a horrible site watching A small towns heritage driving away on the end of a tank barrel,, let alone what the SS did when separating children from their parents.
I have never known Tom to be selfish in any way,,but just the opposite,,, inside and outside of the hobby. I am proud to know him. Larry C

Historical Stewardship is a Trusted Honor that must be kept!