Originally Posted By: *Adam*
You sure know how to do displays that stuff looks great!! I have long since moved my DRL badges but enjoy seeing yours.

Hi Adam,

THANKS for that compliment! Sometimes it works out a little better, yes. Its fun doing just a little bit more with pics? AND it gives the alibi to get nerdy + freak out with interesting items, SO, How cool is THAT?! *LOL* But, ya have to make do with what you have, so, somtimes its harder to make a nice display, or to find a good way to show the items. Im having luck with the window shutters being repainted. The unrepainted 1s make sweet backgrounds

Actually, Ricardo gave new inspiration! But, weve had VERY heavy rain here? And all roses, and flowers are gone, destroyed by rain and wind, even a bit of hail? I use flowers that were saved by bringing inside. The other flowers and plants will return ofcourse, but, again, make do with what you have.

Anyhow, rambling on, sorry. Thanks again for the compliment Adam


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