Hi Ricardo

Thanks for your reply! That paintpolishingpaste, sounds like something I've just seen being used ... on a car ... Few weeks back I dropped a crutch (+ myself with it *LOL*) against the car, it got scratched bad. Its insured, but, the increase in price would be more then paying for repair? Who understands car-insurances *LOL* Not me. Anyway, this stuff, called Commandant, in several pots, different colors, and, not an hour later, some scratches seemed totally vanished! Like magic ... Not the deeper 1s, but, that stuff must be evil for blades? It scratches off just a bit of the paint, and uses that IN the scratch to "hide"/"mask" it? Or does your Autocolor work differently?

I was thinking of trying that B2 pencil trick. But then I read that it might get the blade maybe more rustless, but less pleasant to the eyes? Its not a special blade, but, I do want to give it the best possible treatment. I'm reading positives about Simichrome, but, I don't feel good enough a Simichromer to leave any remaining crossgrain intact ...

Anyway, maybe I'm making too much of a big deal out of it ... gonna read about that Autocolor now though, thanks VERY much for the tip!

Would you happen to know about that runner-fastening too?


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