Now that things have settled down a little - is a list of possible questions or things to think about a reasonable suggestion?

I cannot imagine being in a worse position for anyone, especially as a speaker at the MAX, and getting blind sided with no time to reflect or prepare a suitable response to a question. That applies across the board - because questions sometimes occur to other participants after the opportunity has passed.

So it seems that the net effect of these discussions is actually very beneficial. Because it gives everyone a chance to prepare and be on even footing.

I don�t have the institutional knowledge that senior collectors posses, but do have some small measure of knowledge in other areas, and have some questions that I think might be considered appropriate. I have my own short list of questions. But think that in an open forum such as this one where everyone has their own specialized talents. That others could provide insight that might not occur to co-participants. That everyone attending could benefit from.

PS: Ron, Are you saying that the �new� Gailen and the �old� Gailen are not the same guy? Wink FP