In spite of all this stuff----What all of you naysayers choose to ignore is that there are many veteran collectors who know personally those who have obtained these daggers out of the woodwork and saw the daggers at that time.
This is a fact -but many of you won't believe. Sworn statements COULD be obtained from those who actually bought them. But I wonder--Is there anyone in the world you would believe?
I do have to add that the statement made that to convert a M33 SA Honor Dagger to a chained NSKK Honor dagger with signature would increase the value very significantly ( DOUBLE? ) is just not so and not worth the effort. You can easily check this out--so where's the motive?
To me the 33 SA would be VERY much more wanted and in demand. NSKK? Who cares? What did they ever do? The SA boys were the nasty ones--and that's who we like--Oh Yeah.

Oh--and if you naysayers can name one well known collector/dealer that is not a naysayer here that you would believe I'll do my doubledamnest to get him to post here and tell you about it.

MAX & OVMS Life Member, MAX Bd. of Experts. GDC Platinum Dealer. Collector since 1955.