Here is what those little S-heads over at Ebay had to say most recently. I did fire back a response stating that I was referring only to the motto on the blade as "not displaying offensive symbols". I said that I was just trying to be cautious since the item was from WWII and german, and that some of these items do contain bad symbols, but that mine does not. Will have to see what they say about that.


Thank you for taking the time to write us. We know your time is valuable
and we appreciate your taking a moment to express concern over this
particular item.

Upon my review, your auction was removed correctly. In your auction
description, you stated "Ebay: This listing DOES NOT display any
offensive or prohibited symbols". This implies that there could be
offensive symbols present but the picture you posted is not displaying
the offensive symbols. Also if there are no offensive symbols, you
wouldn't need to state the disclaimer in the first place. We had no
choice but to remove this item from our site. We ask you kindly not to
relist this item on eBay.

Again, thank you for writing in. We appreciate your help in keeping eBay
a safe and reputable forum to conduct business.

Happy Holidays,
