Thanks for the interesting information and good research. Hard cold facts of what actually took place. Missed out on the original tittle, must have been bad for admin to change.

No finger pointing here and I normally won't comment on these type threads, but when a member is chastized for puting forth information!... I for one as a member certainly don't mind and have never minded when someone posts info whether I new of the information before hand or have seen it posted on this forum many times.
I feel information is for the forum as a whole, beginner through advanced with beginners signing up every day. I appreciate the time and efford it takes to research and bring to "the forums" attention any and all information regardless. Why anyone would take offense to this, or make light of the content is beyond me.
Don't get me wrong because I collect as well and as we all know, their are various reasons why we collect. But sometimes I get the perception that some feel it necessary to defend in some way what they collect, to justify why they collect or defend the actual owners/perpetrators or but a spin on making a wrong right, rather than except the history "reality" of what it is and what actually happened. Having a piece of "history in your hands" is good enough for me. Hard cold facts IMO.