Vetter, I have received some of the below emails and posts that you have made on GDC in the past. They puzzle me on some of the question that you ask, and some of the photo that you have posted, in that I find it difficult to imagine that the same collector who owns some very special and expensive SA's listed above, is the same collector that is asking about buying repos and what the purpose of blade crossgraining is. What am I missing here ? Are thees dagger in fact yours truly ?

Hello, my name is Vetter Von Kuntenkisser and I have bought and still have a few reproductions in my collection. These very early high quality reproductions are used in different displays when needed. Of course the bulk of the Bunker is original in every way. But sometimes in order to make a complete display of your presentation the reproduction fills in. I don't have 2 or 3 thousand dollars to buy a piece or two to have the entire display original but it is a set goal. In the meantime I still love my collection. When I win the lottery and if there is any money left after we get the layaways out of Walmart I will replace the reproductions with originals and sell the fine high quality reproductions as such. Reproductions.
"Living well is the best revenge." Vetter 3/24/02

Posted 07 June 2001 10:06 07 June 2001 10:06

I agree with FBC and my good friend JODAGGER. Being fairly new to the hobby I don't mind a reproduction Dagger of very high quality for a filler until an original can be located. Presently my meager collection is 25 Daggers with three of them repos. Two Atwood era Daggers and one piece of crap. With good friends like jodagger,reference books and honest input from GD members I am learning quickly. Thanks to you all.

Posted 16 June 2001 21:17 16 June 2001 21:17

It's no secret I am a novice in the hobby but this particular topic inspired me to seek out education on the matter.Opinions are like As****es, every body has one. The first time I saw this dagger was on Ebay. The discription was honest and to the factual point. A "Black Grip Army Dagger" with a very modest reserve.I posted a bid to buy it because,Damn! I wanted that dagger. After a day or two I checked the status of my bid and time left but the top bid went way out of my range. The next time I saw it the winning bidder had posted it on EBAY with a higher reserve than what he paid. If the understanding of my research is wrong I stand to be corrected. A railways grip has the same spiral configuration as the Army grip,the ONLY difference is its black. The original scan of this dagger,along with the discription is not only accurate,but honest. What I have a problem with is why this topic ends up in the reproduction forum. Think about it,if some dumbass on ebay shells out that much money on an honest item that could have been bought for 200.00 dollars from the original owner then who polices the police. I trust the first seller,an honest man with a honest discription of this dagger.
[This message was edited by Vetter on 16 June 2001 at 21:30.]

Posted 07 June 2001 21:15 07 June 2001 21:15

First off let me say I have finally found THE site for a fascinating hobby. I hope I am not digging up a dead horse out of the archives to beat to death again. But I am curious about the opinion of the more advanced,experenced GD collectors. In your individual opinions:
Is there a time to clean a Dagger,If so Why?
Or do you feel there should be no cleaning,and if so Why? New to the hobby collectors please feel free to offer you opinions as well. Together we can all learn and share.