Goverment Official daggers by Eickhorn are exponentially rarer than their Alcoso counterpart.

Regarding the price of a Government Official . . . discussions of "overpriced" or "underpriced" are absolutely pointless unless those discussing it share a mutual point of reference. There are two factors that I consider to determine if an item is "overpriced". I consider an item overpriced if it sits unsold on a popular venue for at least 30 days. The suppelementary rule for this maxim is the pricepoint. Generally speaking, the higher the price for the item, the longer I allow an item to sit before I consider it overpriced. Example: an army dagger that sits unsold after 30 days is more likely to be overpriced than a Government Official that sits unsold after 30 days.

Furthermore, an evaluation of price should have nothing to do with the actual "number" on the pricetag, and everything to do with fundamentals - just like a stock. Is it rare (supply)? Do people want it (demand)? Is it a big-ticket item (risk)? If one of these fundamentals is out of whack, you can then intelligently conclude that an item is overpriced or underpriced.

Craig Gottlieb
Founder, German Daggers Dot Com