I'd like to know where this term "Sieg Rune" originally came from as pertains to this particular buckle; did it originate from some early reference book on buckles, being passed down the line & repeated in every following new reference book, or did it originate from some wartime HJ-DJ manual?? or did it start with some old gun show dealer's wild imagination? I know what "Sieg Rune" means so have no need for an explanation of this term, all I would like to know is who came up with the idea that the rune on the DJ buckle is an "S"?? The old original runes chart I have in an original Nazi wartime published book, shows this runic design to be a "J"; there's another very similar rune which is designated as a "S", which is the "S" used by the SS, standing for Schutz Staffel; it only makes sense to me that the particular runic design on these DJ buckles, being a "J", stands for "Jugend".