the fact that Pat and Mark are still buying doesnt disguise the fact that the market appears really really slow right now.

I would venture to say that you guys were buying blades behind the scenes anyway. What I mean is for the average collector, in all areas. I am sure that Pat and Mark, while your purchasing activity may have not changed at all, would have to admit that you have seen a drop off (significant?) over the past few months..

I am not making a comment on your activity, but on the hobby as a whole. I consider myself a collector, and I am always looking, and looking for good deals. But in comparison to some of the 'serious' collectors I know, I am small potatoes. And even the serious collectors I talk to think that the hobby is slow right now.

Its tough to put my finger on. Is it a changing economy? Is it a backlash against dealer greed? Is it all the drama found on the forum? Is it burnout? Is it seasonal? I dont know. But for me, I havent seen anything in a while that even causes me to double-take. And from what I gather, I am not the only one who has noticed this, at least among the small circle I correspond with. I am just wondering if others have noticed this too..

Does the hobby as a whole seem slower right now?