In fact after looking at them both carefully again I would say both are a NO GOOD.

On the first one consider the cardboard template for the wings, these have seperate compartments for the 3 wings and individually embroidered, but on this one they are not, that is the biggest issue here for me, the silver in the chest is wrong, the beading on the inner wings is wrong, the feet are absolutly abbismal, every detail of this first eagle is terrible.

The second one is a little better, at least they have got the seperate compartments individually embroiderd. Now take a look at Bills eagle and you will see in this that the wings are individiually embroidered BUT the embroidery has been carfuly executed so that all the embroidered silver wire goes in the same direction, but on the second eagle the embroidery in the seperate compartments are all in different directions, a big NO, also the wire used is a lot thicker than on Bills eagle. Again, the chest is wrong, the head is wrong and there is TOO much swastika, it is huge compaired to normal swas. The inner oakleaves are too oval, and ther is no tie to speak of at the bottom. In the embroidery there is far too much at the bottom of this eagle, seems out of proportion.

I would not have these to eagles in my collection