
Your Over complicating these items.Everything you stated just shows how Ignorant you really are to the reproduction world.All you really need is 1 good reference photo and you'd get the gist of how its built.I have seen lots of items and Lots of talent... I know a guy who could make a presentation SA high leader with your name and picture on the blade...would it be cheap?...NO but it would get people thinking.And while we are at it MOST if not 90% of German items were made of very high quality and Craftsmanship.When these items were new they were Tight as ticks in every respect in Fit and Finish.German Craftsmanship cannot be slapped down so quickly with a click of a mouse pad,just saying it does not make it true and to keep repeating it just is sad.Sure there were less than stellar items available late war but when those items were brand new they were better than anything on the market worldwide.,I will be waiting for Damast to show his pics of a Genuine item so Houston can prove his point further although I am sure youd find some reason not to believe what he has to say.