
I will accept your last answer in the spirit with which it was given - tongue in cheek!! It is quite obvious that there are absolutely NO FAKES or forgeries in the world of Third Reich collectables. Fancy me thinking it could be otherwise! Obviously I have got it totally wrong - I must get myself a hair shirt, and start paying pennance for misleading the collectors of this world!!!

Now, let's get back to the serious business. About the only thing that you and I agree upon is that we need to see more photos of other pieces. We need to expand upon our understanding with other examples for analysis and comparison. Of course I note that you have already declared what you think my response to any such examples might be, because you imply that other examples will reveal the same features in the inscription that I declare to be questionable (isn't this the same as calling me guilty before you have reviewed all of the evidence?).

You make a comment about my reference to the damascus blade. Well there isn't really anything such as a fake damascus blade - I make this statement in the understanding that there are such things as artificial etch damascus blades (but they are merely etched blades) - the blade is either made of damascus steel, or it is not. End of that argument.

The point I was making is that here we have what seems to be a very well made damascus steel blade, and that the blade is further enhanced by etching and gilding etc. It is my opinion that the formation of the inscription falls far short of the accuracy and standards of the professional lettering artist.

I do not expect everybody to see this automatically, which is why I explained the observable distinctions earlier in this thread. It is up to the viewer to decide if he has any confidence in what I present.

I am sure that some other collector out there is going to put up a sword or dagger which has an inscription that meets all the criteria which I say should be present in the formation of the lettering - and it won't necessarily be a dedication to big fat Hermann. It will be a straight forward, unremarkable, personalised inscription (and probably not to a KC Winner or other notable), but it will be perfectly formed, and accurate in all ways - and my argument concerning the precision of lettering will be justified.