OK, here is my view on this. I considered the possibility that the eBay trader called "usmcantiques" might very well be one of Craig's other trading names - especially as he was in the USMC, and I believe that he also trades in that area of collectable item.

It also appears that "usmcantiques" is in the same locality as Craig - although I acknowledge that could just be coincidental.

"usmcantiques" also posted the same images on the WAF site, although most of them have now been withdrawn.

If I am mistaken, and "usmcantiques" is NOT Craig, then I unreservedly apologise for tarnishing that eBayer's name.

Craig is not known for telling people where rare items might be found - especially if he is interested in the item himself. So, as usual, there was some hidden motive in putting that information up at the beginning of this thread.

How is it known that the individual shown with Craig, is in fact the seller of the sword? Is that Mr. "usmcantiques" himself? I do not recall that information appearing in this thread.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion about that sword, and I have mine. I do acknowledge that I base it only from the photographic evidence. I consider that the photos are clear enough to form some reasonable judgement, and I am sticking with mine unless I find convincing evidence to persuade me otherwise.

One feature which I find curious is the presence of the waffen-amt mark on such a de-luxe presentation damascus steel piece. It is not as if this is a standard "vorschrift-massige" ("according to regulations") blade which has been subjected to the ordnance tests.

Here we have something different. Yet it appears that the sword was "tested", and presumably passed as fit for service - and accordingly stamped. Then it is stripped down and the blade taken off for etching and dedicating, and gilding.

It appears to be that the gilding has been done after the blade was tested, as the gilding is in the recessed areas of the waffen-amt. Surely the testing of the blade should be performed after the blade had been completed, and not in the middle of the process?

I must state that I cannot ever recall seeing any other damascus blade Army Sabre that has been waffen-amt marked. Perhaps I have missed seeing it - maybe someone reading this thread has got one that they can show to us?