I now, for what it's worth offer you both (Craig and Mark)some simple (and free!)advice....Talk to each other IN PRIVATE and make no more of it.....

As an unbiased observer I have the following comments to make which i hope will keep this in perspective.

It would seem to me that the only person that would benefit from this advice is Craig Gottlieb. I have to say that I am curious to understand what interest you may have in protecting this persons reputation if they have done what is alleged?

What has been alleged if true is at best highly unethical & at worst might be considered fraudulent & quite possibly criminal. Without substantiation it is merely hearsay.

Hearsay is not evidence but can be very damaging! Leave off the "Craig bashing" unless you have something other than anecdotal comments & 3rd party references.

Kingtiger has nothing to gain by levelling such a serious accusation unless it can be proved for to do so would only raise questions about his own integrity.

On the subject of dealer integrity.

It should not be a case of "buyer beware" when purchasing anything from someone who has set themselves up as an expert trader in anything, whether that may be art,antique furniture, or militaria! The whole point being that a novice or aspiring collector should be able to buy with confidence.

That gentlemen would be a very short list!

War is when your government tells you who the enemy is.
Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself.