Allthough I am yet to purchase an item from Craig, I have had reason to contact him by email on several occasions, to which his reply has allways be swift and courteous. This as well as having also viewed many of his public posts and oppinions, has not unsurprisingly led me to conclude that he is both intelegent and highly knowledgeable in this field of collecting.... It is then with some concearn that various submissions, having been made regarding the integrity of Mr Gottileb, are thus far unaccompanied by any single item of evidence to substanciate them....I would therefore advise anyone with greivences who are compelled to air them publicly, to do so based not on hearsay and rumour but on the physical burden of substantiable proof ....To do so without this evidence is to slander the individual. Allegations made in this vain leave those making them open to the laws of libel,which if the plaintiff decides to persue, can be, to say the least, costly.....Put simply, either put up or shut up!