Fact: he told me this was all over, he apologized (see the email above), and admitted he was out of line and mislead. And yet, he keeps bringing it up. A good customer? I don't think so. Just another typical "Mark Paulism." Remember the facts:

Mark bought a dagger for $5000 from me that was 100% verifiably textbook. My competitor Tom Wittmann, who does not always see eye-to-eye with me, liked it. Mike Maclavana, who everyone agrees, knows his SA daggers, liked it (and even tried to buy it from Mark for $5000). The only person who didn�t like it was someone who had a longstanding personal issue with me. Having an axe to grind with me, this guy thought it would be funny to try to get me in trouble with someone, and picked Mark as his stooge. So this guy gave Mark bad information about the dagger � information that was factually incorrect, and contrary to other eye-witness accounts about the dagger. Mark took the information to heart, got puffed up with an �I caught the dealer� mindset, and started bashing me in public because he didn�t get his way - months after he'd purchased it. Despite this abusive and unwarranted behavior, I gave him many very fair options: I�d sell the dagger for him and get him his $5000, or I�d buy it back with a 20% restocking fee, or I�d give him full trade-in value. Mark, misdirected by his inflated and bruised ego, demanded a refund. Eventually, he saw the error of his ways and ADMITTED to me in an email that the dagger was okay and that he�d been mislead. And now he�s back to rumor-mongering and axe-grinding.

Craig Gottlieb
Founder, German Daggers Dot Com