Mr. back means exactly that. Show me the money????!!!

1. re-stocking fee. That state 15% and then want to charge me 20%?

2. TRY to get my $5,000 back..trying does not does.

"Full trade in value". At your prices I would be a fool to do that.

Who is Mike Maclavana? If you mean Mike is indicative of your extreme lack of attention to detail.

The ill will you caused by not honoring your written guarantee and then producing an e-mail attributed to me is simply immoral.

I can assure you personally that Tom Whittmann is no fan of yours and has publicly said so to me and others present with me.

Collectors do not depend or rely upon my advice to do business with you. That choice is left to them and I can only relate a factual depiction of what I was offered and what transpired when I wanted to return a dagger. No "lifetime warranty" came into play.

I mean no personal attack here, just a restatement of your business offer as it related to the "lifetime guarantee" as re-stated in the choices offered by you in your post above.

That was my singular point. Plus, I have personally purchased daggers from you for thousands less than the advertised price as an answer to the start of the thread. I still have the tags (as well as the receipt for what I actually paid you) on the Eugene Scheidt SA that I sold you and you changed the parts on when I bought it back. I have a letter written by you on your stationary telling me how you humped up a fake Reddick blade SS full Rohm dagger to deceive the sellers family if they ever wanted to see the real one you sold me as the grandson was not authorized to sell it. I did not scan and post it, but I can if you would like. Would you? I am in the business of ethical dealing and truth, not rumors and insinuations.

My reputation in this hobby is untarnished and will remain so as long as I live.

With all due respect,

Mark Cool