I agree. ALL I was trying to say was the fact that, In My Humble Opinion, the blade you show is BAD. Semantics aside. I will never agree that this can be anything but a repo'd item though since it doesn't take an EXPERT to see through this one.......and it does look like it was done by a monkey on my bench grinder. Big Grin

That should not cause any great reaction in someone that wasn't involved in it's grinding. That's the way I meant it...... Big Grin (Did you mess with it? Did anybody you know mess with it? etc.etc.etc. That sort of thing in the troubleshooting flowchart)

Authentic? NO, even close, although I'm not an expert. There are some things that even us newbys can see. If it looks a duck, quacks like a duck, ...............

That's my story and I'm sticking to it....... Smile

NOT calling you an idiot........ Smile

" Always interested in Aluminum fitted, rare, and superbly conditioned Army daggers." DJ Roach