Hello Dow.

These markings, usually either capital case letters in block print or numbers, but sometimes what appear to be strange symbols. I have seen these letters or numbers appear in various places on S71/84s, S98/02s, S98/05s (in particular), kS98s and S84/98nAs.

In Bruce Karem's excellent book "The German S84/98 Bayonet Volume I," on page 73, Karem states "Most Erfurt produced [84/98nA] examples feature a letter or a number stamped on the reverse radius of the guard." Pictured on the same page is an example stamped "1." In my collection I only have one 1915 Erfurt S84/98 which is stamped "F" in the same place. He offers no direct explanation of these numbers and letters.

However, on page 44, he mentions the letter markings found on the very bottom of the blade edge (where it is flat) on W15 dated Mehlich and Move-Werke made S84/98s, and states..."It is the authors opinion that the letter designates a blank supplier..." I know of no evidence to support this theory, however, and given the huge number of examples on so many bayos with markings in the same place, including many examples known to have been completely made by one company (as opposed to being supplied blank blades from another company and then finishing the bayo) I find that hard to believe.

At present I believe these letters and numbers remain a mystery. It is most often suggested that these markings were individual inspection marks of some kind, perhaps applied to each individual part after being inspected. It has also been suggested, particularly with regards to the numbers, that they were used to assist in the construction of the seperate pieces.

Compiling a database of the different letters and numbers found on the 1915 Erfurt S84/98 examples may help show a pattern and shed some light on the mystery, at least as it applies to W15 Erfurt 84/98s.

I wish I could offer a more concrete answer, but I'm afraid these markings remain a mystery, at least as far as I know!

Here's to those who make what we collect worth collecting.

Bravo Troop, 1/7 CAV, 5th BCT, 1CD
OIF II, Al-Rashid, Baghdad, Iraq