Originally posted by True Edge:
Zeet Doug. Ja, well, the only hanging out you would be doing in Hillbrow these days would be out of the windows of some gangsters flat.

Do you remember the Cafe de Paris on Kotze Street where we used to pick up a late night coffee? Well it's now a terrific place to pick up an incurable disease Frown

Jo'burg now is not the Jo'burg of fond memory boet. The whole thing has decentralised out of the city and we've left the town to the skollies and squatters.

Jo'ies is still a great place to live and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but we've moved the jol out to the suburbs.

Hi; After Rhodesia I went down south for a few years. Hillbrow was cool for a bit when I was in town. Traveled quite a lot. Liked the Irish Club. A den of Fenian activity. Half of the Regulars were proud of their Royal Warrents. Singing, drinking, crying, and so forth. German Beer Keller the JDL guys cleared out one April 20th. 1000 SAP Counstables just stood around and let these guys beat on each other. Learned all about the Klompy Pompy (Sp) and switch hitter school teachers. Pre-AIDS. Really Wierd! But, kind of fun after Salsbury. Level with the Grevel. Doug