It seems that the 3 year was continuously numbered from 1943 through '44.

Yes that's correct Houston, there is an image in the the book showing the 3 year with the 4 year spange attached. It seems for some odd reason that my chap decided to attach it to a '44 badge.

I forgot to mention that the book also lists all the prizes & their values as well as who received them. I haven't even started on that section, I've been concentrating on the badges.

Houston, I forgot to ask, are the 6 & 9 year badges numbered? If so I think it could show that they were production pieces manufactured early, if not, it may indicate that they were prototypes for planned future production?

I've found these badges fascinating since I first found one & you helped me find out what they were (thank you again for that). Now I'm totally addicted to them...... Big Grin


"Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it"

Galadriel, LotR.