Hello All again,

*Schloss 1 - I did not understand what do you mean when you say they were "found" in Poland.
Are you saying that,perhaps,they were MADE in poland?
What�s the full story about this find?
By reading again Angolia�s "Cloth Insignia Of The NSDAP And SA" I found nothing that would support the allegation that 4th pattern NSDAP collar patches may have been made outside the Reich.However I may be wrong because I do not have many references regarding to RZM factory productions outside the Reich.
Also it doesn�t make any sense the sometimes changing of the color paper tag,nothing shows about what you said in reference books,if I am wrong please kindly tell me where I can find this information.If this is just your theory I must disagree.

* Kent Berg - Interesting theory but I have seen several hundreds 4th and final pattern NSDAP collar tabs and I found the blue tab in ALL LEVELS of ALL RANKS.Since the NSDAP Reichsleitungs Abschnittsleiter collar tab I bought from Bill Shea appears with an INCORRECTED RED TAG and an eagle that cause strong arguments in EVERY forum I have seem, it�s a logical conclusion that,at least,there�s something wrong!It is therefore logical to assume it�s a fake.As a long time collector of Third Reich items I do not believe that such a "flow" could remain undetected by RZM quality controll.I also cannot belive that an incorrected RED tag could be placed by MISTAKE for the same reasons.The FACT that hundreds collar tabs from this rank and of all levels suddenly appears is very suspicious.Besides they are BRAND NEW insignias and that�s impossible after 65 years and ,again,after seeing several hundreds!
"Bei allem gebotenen respekt" my opinion stands and this is a FAKE !
Regards to all,
Aylson Doyle