
Don't give up so easily. The trick is get to a show like the SOS or Max and handle some unquestionably real examples (Joey P, Brian Maderer, Neil H. & Steve W., etc. ) Get a feel for them, also look at some of the junk ones around. Compare. Of course on the web pages they all look good, they were designed to. "The devil is in the details" as they say.

There are really not that many different gorgets, and unlike the unending variables encountered in helmets,and daggers, once you can get the 25-30 some gorgets availible, that collection is done. (which is a down side of collecting them, I had a friend that "bottomed out" as he could no longer find gorgets that he neeeded - so he stared collecting tinnies!) Gorgets are an impressive an unique german accoutrament, and athough they have gotten expensive a decent collection of them can still be had out there.

GDC GOLD #0213