
I think now it`s the right time to say "thank you" to all members of the forum.

Fellows, friends, specially ring man (who starts this topic for me), gaspare and all others:

I wish you a merry christmas, a happy new year, health, all other good wishes and, of course, good luck for hunting new rings.

For christmas-time pictures from two west front rings on a german christmas-cookie - from his pictures I think ring man would like it Razz

best regards

odal / germany

ring_001.jpg (71.02 KB, 645 downloads)

�Eine gewaltt�tige, herrische, unerschrockene, grausame Jugend will ich. Jugend muss das alles sein. Schmerzen muss sie ertragen. Es darf nichts Schwaches und Z�rtliches an ihr sein. Das freie, herrliche Raubtier muss wieder
aus ihren Augen blitzen."