A couple of observations: I like Angolia�s numbers myself which seem to be the same as in at least one period catalog. I think that like most currencies the value floated up and down. And I�ve seen lower values for the Reichmark, but don�t consider that particularly important one way or the other because only generic (not NS) models were exported. Period economics are another matter entirely IMO. And are an interesting approach I think to put into context what the �average� German was looking at when it came time to clothe, house, and feed himself (and perhaps his family) during the time of the Third Reich. And how much money the �average� worker might have had left to purchase party paraphernalia. However that kind of approach I think also could be ignoring some background factors that have a significant bearing on the topic.

What was �average�? A German Army private might make 31 RM. a month. But the �average� RAD worker made about 6 RM. a month. Factory and office workers usually received steady paychecks. But what about the farmers, or tradespeople. The laborers, or the large numbers of unemployed? Or what is �average� for a fifteen year old boy?

A lot more significant I think is that Germany during that period was largely agrarian not factory/urban. The United States during the same period also had a very large farming population. And there are a number of contemporary accounts of new soldiers who did not own a pair of shoes until they joined the U.S. Army. I am of German ancestry and not being disrespectful of the German people. But I have lived in a number of rural locations in Germany well after the war. And while it was not like subsistence farming in the South in the 1930�s, life was more primitive than in the cities. And the populace had a lot less in the way of material wealth and no �weekly paychecks�.

My point being that period pricing is an excellent tool for comparing one item against another. And for getting a sense of what it cost prospective buyers to purchase (dress) sidearms. However, I also think that it has to be considered not by modern standards - but in the context of that era. FP