Bernie, Hang in there! I work 40 hours a week making anti cancer drugs at the biggest antibody factory in the world! Modern science has made great advances in fighting, and curing cancer! We get people coming in all the time to speak to us and thank us for making the drugs that saved their lives! Ten years ago these people would have no hope and today they are totally cured and in remission (Non Hodgkins Lymphoma) for years with no signs of relapse! Chemo is a hard road but does work! Chemo and antibody ****tails work too and are a little easier on the body. Do some web research on Avastin....many doctors are using this off label and are having fantastic results! Do as much research on the web about your disease as possible. New therapies are developed all the time that are very promising and sometimes doctors are slow to pick these up! You have to tell them about what you have read and turn them on to it! Best of luck! Chris