I agree. I have seen two like it, both owned by major figures in the field. This piece is worse for wear, but such is the case in 80% of cases with caps of this kind. Kevin Finley just sold one of this type. Gerard Stezelberger had a "Privat" type which he sold a few years back. There are those who disbelieve that such caps ever existed, but I am not one of these. Despite assertions to the contrary by certain leading lights, in fact, Lubstein made SS caps from at least 1935 or so, if not earlier. Why not the grey caps of this type, which, I presume, were made ca. 1941 and the brief time thereafter. Viel Sammerlglueck. And, if the cap is good enough for Derek Chapman, then it is surely authentic. The piece shows the marks of time, but why not? I know colleague Sellick to be a conscientious collector and I have secured nice material from him.