
Don't give up trying to get a COA - whether lifetime or limited - from the german dealer. If he still refuses, then perhaps he will compromise and write you a narrative explaining the circumstances in which he acquired the goblet from Zeitner's daughter. This should provide you with the provenance.

In the meantime, I found an old web photo of your goblet sitting besides the other items acquired at the same time from the daughter. The photo is small and it is difficult to study the pieces. From left to right they are:

1. Bronze German Hunting Association device with the G�ring and Sonneman coats of arms.
2. Your silver goblet.
3. Silver wax seal in the shape of the G�ring fist clutching a ring.
4. Black wood and silver circular tobacco box and lid with G�ring and Sonneman coats of arms.
5. Bronze eagle and swastika.
6. Bronze and silver wax seal in the form of the Deutsche J�gerschaft - German Hunting badge.
7. Silver eagle and swastika.
8. Hammered silver goblet with an ebony wood base with G�ring and Sonneman coats of arms.
9. Car emblem in the shape of a wing with a swastika within a circle.

I believe these pieces have been sold to several collectors. I hope that one or more of the current owners will read this thread and then contact you to help establish the provenance.

Best regards.

Zeitner_pieces_from_Zeitner's_daughter.JPG (4.1 KB, 60 downloads)
Zeitner pieces from daughter