Ernst H

Posted 17 November 2003 16:10
I had a look in my bekleidungsvorschrift.

The bekleidungsvorschrift makes a distinction between "Mu�uniformtr�ger" and "Kann-uniformtr�ger". i do not yet fully understand the difference between these two.
There is also mentioning about when a uniform is to be worn, who is to pay for it and when the uniform becomes property of the wearer.

Not every verwaltungsbeamte was entitled to wear a uniform.
I believe I am correct in saying that people employed by the Polizei for administrative duty where not automatically a Police official and could not automatically wear a uniform. Many would just wear their civilian clothes or in case they where Schupo officials, their Schupo uniform.

What I read from these texts is that only a few higher ranked officials (in charge of specific tasks) allways wear a uniform. All others can sometimes be allowed to wear a verwaltungsuniform but primarily wear whatever they normally wear (civilian clothes or schupo clothes)
In the 1943 order for verwaltungsbeamten, the lowest rank that is talked about (about wearing a uniform) is the Verwaltungsbeamte in Hauptwachtmeisterrang.

In the same chapter about Verwaltungsuniforms is mentioning of other ranks (wachtmeister and meister) which are to hold their previous rank,...but only if they are Polizei Waffenmeister. I do not know of Polizei waffenmeister wore Verwaltungsuniforms.

I hope this all makes a littlebit sence.
please correct me if I am wrong


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