Schuma Batl. 64
Here is a Schuma ID Tag that I have - for a man in Schuma Batl. 64

With a neat commentary from a fellow Collector - Mr. Dogtag - Al (on WAF)

"...Yes Schuma 64 Btl. was a Belorussian Schuma Bataillon and it was later incorporated into 30 Waffen Grenenadier Belorussian SS Division.

These Belorussian Schuma tags were recovered in Poland some 60 km north from Warsaw. Actually it's an interesting story.

A friend of mine went metaldetecting in an old 19th cent battlefield. Suddenly a local villager came and noticed a tag on my friend's neck. He said that he's got one in his house as there were some 100 or more at the attic left over by Germans. He brought the tag but said that the rest were thrown away when they were tiding up the attic in 70-ties. We have spent some 2 years before we found the field where the tags were spread by plough all over the place..."
(Courtesy of Mr. Dogtag - Al / Poland)

SCHUMA_ID_Tag_Btl_64.jpg (101.48 KB, 111 downloads)

[Always looking for TeNoSchumaTechnische Noodhulp Items...]