Originally posted by Jean Pierre Redeuilh:
Originally posted by Dave Hohaus:
Jean Pierre,

The SS did not run any POW camps that I know of. No SS, No Buckles ! Big GrinBig Grin


It depends on Junker's nationnality ... Reading his post I don't know if "our" stands for American operated or German operated POW camp since it can be either one I guess.
You are indeed correct if it was a German operated. In case of an American operated we could expect anything been found at the location. Am I wrong?

These POW camps had been under English Administration and you can find relicts of all units also the Waffen-SS.
I've found there two ID tags and two SS-buckles.
Yesterday we had been there again and we've found three Luftwaffen-buckles two Sieper and one Deutschbein.
@DEM...very nice finds ...would you kindly say where exactly is the location..perhaps I can search there for relics.
If you're using google earth you can send me a placemark by E-Mail
Here again a photo ..yesterday in our Luftwaffen-buckle forest.

090606ks_unter_wurzel_Copy.jpg (73 KB, 195 downloads)