OK Seiler, I was writing my response, while you were posting yours, so I didn't mean to "oppose" to you. But still I think RUBBISH is too brutal word for this dagger. It depends on price - if someone wants 3000+ quids for it, then yes, it is rubbish, but if, let's say 1000, then it's a good opportunity for a beginner, or someone "on the budget" to own an SS dagger. As for originality: well, I see we have original set of inserts here (and I CAN recognize fake SS runic button), well fitted into the grip, that looks like original black SS handle. There is good fitting to the crossguards as well(I assume they are marked at the reverse). Maker mark and motto are correct in every detail to Hammesfahr, so that's why I said IT LOOKS (from the pictures - that's logic)original to me. Nothing beats "hands on" inspection, but our friend "AA" (does the first A stand for "Anonymous"? Wink ) needs some online help, so we shouldn't take "no comments stance". Otherwise whole this forum has no sense. It's all opinions based on pictures, isn't it?