Sorry but I'm having real trouble accepting this, in the last 12 months I've had the opportunity to purchase at least 3 full SS Rohms in excellent condition - with blades at least as good as this example, fitted with perfect handles (either no chips or very minimal) and good clean scabbards...none was priced above �8,500..that is $17,000...they were priced from �6,000 (usd 12,000) and up...and condition wise they were all far superior to the example shown here.

If I owned this piece and was offered usd 10,000 I'd have sold straight off and danced all the way to the bank, to be offered usd 18,000 would be a dream - perhaps now is the time for me to market my collection ??

And before you ask, I have been collecting for 20 years, so I do have a vague idea of what I'm talking about.

No disrespect but I feel a dose of reality is called for here.
