good moring Texas...if I implied that they were "Issued" then I was wrong...they were bought by the indiviual soldiers...usually right after basic training a salesman would come to a nearby tavern and show the recruits at that time what he had available...some paid a monthly instalment, and at the end of their three year enlistment the salesperson would wait for them outside of the barracks with his horsedrawn buggy were the steins were packed boxes filled with straw. At least that was my granfathers experience. Strictly anecdotal here.
Some of the fellow decided on pipes, wiskey flasks or even china. Some, the teetotalers of course, went home without any commenorative items. Knowing the Germans of that period I have a hard time imagening that. With the expeption of my granma, who smashed ours, in an effort to get the pewter for WWII. So much for my 14th Infantry Regimental that my granfather had.