Feel as you will about this piece. I already own one and don't see any difference between mine and the one that is forsale on the web.
I got mine in 1972, so it is not one of the johnny come latelys and am confident in the origins of my piece.
I am sure that there are differences in Eickhorn templates as they are used over time. We see slight variations, even in Eickhorn TMs and with mottes (just look at the Roehm daggers by Eickhorn and the Eickhorn TMs), so this doesn't make much of an impression on me as to originality. Indeed, if there were different issues of this knife (at least two that we know of and probably three) I am also sure that variation to the form may have taken place in etching details.
Next, both of the examples noted show much wear and use. This, as we see with any piece, can change the edges of the letters and the width of the letters, depending on how they are polished and how photos and light are taken and used.
Lastly, if these were reproduced, where are all the fakes???