Until this post I had never heard of the "1%" opinion/theory. It sounds to me like something dreamed up by some dealer to ask for an even more outrageous price on an HJ and/or some collector embellishing the rarity of his own piece for some reason. Whatever......

I have never had a problem getting one when I wanted one but then I have years and years of contacts to draw upon. I purchased 3 HJs at the 05 MAX with andonized scabbards and paid $180 for the most expensive. One was from Ron Wolin and I don't remember who the other 2 came from.
If you only want one, then that is sure the one to have and go after but I personally would not buy the knife just because it had the andonized scabbard. Chances are if its coming from a dealer and the knife is near mint or mint it is mated together anyway. I get calls from dealers all the time wanting to know if I have an andonized scabbard because they have found a knife that "screams" for one! As my son says: WORD!!!

Personally, I would never pay more than $50 more for an HJ with andonized scabbard than I would for a comparitive HJ with painted scabbard and that is if I needed or wanted the knife. But then I have only been buying and collecting HJs since the 60s. I think of the 350 or so keepers I have there are about 55 with andonized scabbards that came to me that way for what its worth. YOUR RESULTS MAY VARY.