I figured that a Fire safe preserves a collection so here it is in this venue. Check this link first. I have the 72x60x27, Level VII.

A dear friend of mine lost his collection of TR daggers and swords to fire a few years ago. He actually had a safe BUT not a "fire safe" by any means. A wildfire destroyed the house and he hoped the blades and firearms in the safe woud survive. Alas, they did not!

'33 and '36 SS, SA, NSKK, all with burned grips. Army, Luft, Navy, all the pretty grips melted. Paint scorched, Holbein scabbard weights melted and holding the blades fast. Hangers and portepees roasted. TR medals to include SA Sports badges, 2 Police Long Service Crosses, all melted together. All in all, a TERRIBLE loss, not just to him but to the dagger community as those pieces are lost forever!

I purchased the safe as above in an attempt not only to protect my collection from burglary, but from any possible fire. We moved up here to the heavily wooded Pine forest in Nov and with this safe, I feel a bit better but never completely safe. Some of my more valuable books are in the safe too such as the '37 Organization Book, SS Porcelain Allach, etc, etc.

What are your thoughts about a "fire safe"? Have you ever had a fire or know of someone who has, and how did the safe's contents hold up?

Thanking you in advance for your thoughts, views.