Thanks Bob. You mean you don't just sit around on your computer 24- seven? Cool I had hoped that the smith's name might be one that was known for traditional blades. Unfortuately the sword is not in my hands because I told the shop owner to hold it while I did the research on it. He wants TOO much for the sword even if it is hand forged because it needs polish badly. I have some experience with swords but couldn't see past old fingerprint marks, scratches etc. If there was something special about it I might go ahead with the purchase. Perhaps KM will know the history of this smith. I wasn't sure if the small stamp was an arsenal mark or a TAN stamp which, I understand, usually ment a hand forged blade. Again I appreciate the help. I might get a chance to look at the sword and clean it with the traditional powder and see if things are clear enough to bother with more photos. David