Degens: I believe the tiny eagle was the initial production model. Here is my take on the chronology of the Holler guards and why:

1)Holler First - Tiny Eagle (Janos, Doug and Tom)
-Double side screws on scabbard � associated with initial production on WKC and Eickhorn.
-Horizontal cross-graining on center segment of blade
- No acorns on scabbard band ends.

2)Holler 2nd - WKC 1st Model
-Single reversed placed scabbard screw � cost cutting measure � used throughout period
-Vertical cross-graining on center segment of blade
-No acorns on scabbard band ends - on earlier example
-Acorns on scabbard band ends � on later example
-Round eye on later example
-Crescent tool marks on head.
-Hogged out material around head to add depth to casting

3) Holler 3rd - Pack 2nd Model with hand enhanced head
-Vertical cross-graining on center segment of blade.
-Crescent tool mark on head and markings on neck.
-Round eye
-Extremely detailed pommel with acorns impressed into surfaces between leaves
-Extremely detailed scabbard bands with well formed acorns
-Tapered Tang only
-Standard Handle � so far

4)Holler 4th - Standard Holler Guard
-Tapered tang early
-Vertical cross-graining on center segment early
-Horizontal cross-graining on center segment late
-Shouldered tang late
-Generic scabbard late

5) Holler 5th - Pack 2nd with round eye � no other hand work on head
-Shouldered tang only
-Generally seen with generic scabbard