Apologies if the above the comment was a little abrupt, I was just about to call it a night.
I tend to use a slightly blinkered view when it comes determining the crossguard maker and I have to agree with you to a degree that this pairing does have all the attributes of a new early Holler variation, albeit with a WKC base crossguard.
The shadow areas left on the crossguard from the original head position, pre-chiseling is clearly evident and is quite breathtaking when you consider the actual size of the eagles head.

What I find interesting is that Holler used an external supplier of base crossguards on more than one occassion even though they were obviously capable of producing in house. If I have it correct the order of production in lamens terms was:
WKC 1st (Holler modified)
E-PACK 2nd (Holler modified)
E-PACK 2nd* (Holler modified)

The patina on that latest dagger is fantastic, very rarely are they left untouched to form such a thick coat. Here is another WKC 1st, no enhancing but equally as black.

ls.jpg (107.78 KB, 151 downloads)