I respectfully disagree that "Most" are post, from my own experience, I would say "Some" but not most.

I have seen several badges (IAB & Flak ) that still had the threads and 'tufts' of uniform on them from where they were sewn on, and these were from US veteran boxes.

Also the holes drilled into my SS hat eagle are done with such a fine drill bit, no US serviceman had access to that kind of equipment (save for the dentist- who in the 101st AB put the combat jumps stars on the jump wings) Also my demjansk shield has holes discretely punched into it. These were another direct vet pick up by me.

Not to say this type of thing certainly hasn't been also done recently by unscrupulous dealers and well intentioned collectors. But in these cases the pieces are usually sewn on rather crudely.

But I think that it is actually quite a "German mentality" thing to do, to not waste anything.

GDC GOLD #0213
