I liked this skull, still do. It was sold to me by hiltonheadkid on ebay, $105.99 total! what can I say..I'm no stranger to "blowing" my money when I have it. "PHS","Pete" stopped by the forum a few day ago in the SS DAGGER FORUM, with a question.. He has a few rare, nice items left on auction, shoulder boards, $8,900.00 P/E Tunic..I guess my "tot" was just some of his "filler", I don't return the "junk" that "chumps" fake me out with, so I'll eat this one too Frown Thanks guys, TONYSS, MR.JERRY, HOOPER2! I'm a slow learner. I do however..have a memory like an elephant. P.S.Great ref. page Tony! love those bevos!

In Memory of Joe Mann
Medal of Honor Recipient
July 8, 1922 �
September 19, 1944